Free Childcare

15 hours free childcare

All 3.5 year old children are entitled to the universal 15 hours free nursery education.

For 9 months and 2 year old children, only those who meet the criteria set out by the Government are eligible for 15 hours free nursery education.

If parents/carers require additional hours outside of the free 15 hours entitlement these can be provided at an additional cost. The aim of providing this service is to support working or studying families.

30 hours free extended childcare

The Government has increased free childcare from 15 to 30 hours a week (for up to 38 weeks a year) for eligible 3 and 4 year old children.

if you are offered a place at SRC nursery and are entailed to the 30 hour free extended childcare, you will need to provide an 11 digit eligibility code which will then be sent to Southwark council for verification.

If you require more than 30 hours childcare this can be arranged at an additional cost. For more information contact the nursery via email or phone.

Please note that fees are payable if your child is absent. Fees are also payable for bank holidays and staff training days.