Visitors Policy/ Door policy.

At SRC nursery we welcome visitors and operate an open door policy. However at times limitations may be placed to ensure the safety of all children and staff within the setting, the following procedures are adhered to.

Parents and visitors must under no circumstances permit entry to any person, even if they know the individual in to the setting.


·         A robust security system where upon all staff are vigilant when answering the door, looking through the monitoring system to identify the caller.

·         It is important that no persons are let in behind the recognised persons.

·         If the caller is not recognised by a staff member, the staff will speak through the intercom to ascertain who the person is, if this person is suitable to enter the premises a member of staff will meet them at the door.   ID will be checked

·         Unexpected visitors will not be permitted to enter the setting, however this may not always be possible, and in those circumstances relevant checks will be made.

·         Visitors must have ID checked before entering the building, and escorted by a staff member at all times with a visitor badge given for the visitation, for instance visitors will be escorted to the toilet.

·         Visitors are expected to sign in and out of the setting, time and date.


When parents and Carers arrive at the start of the session they should enter the building through the main door at the front entrance. Parents are asked to be patient after ringing the bell as staff may be carrying out activities with the children who may delay their response to the doorbell.  


Collecting children

Children are only released to those named person who is recorded on the child’s entry profile. It is the responsibility of the parent to keep these records up to date. Parents/carers must inform us if they wish for somebody who is not a regular collector, as well personal details and a password to enable us to identify them. People authorised to collect must be aged 16 and over and their behaviour must not be a concern for the Nursery Staff.


Refusal to Release a Child from our Care

The welfare of the children in our care is of paramount importance to us. The nursery therefore reserves the right to prevent a child from being collected if we feel that it may have a negative impact on their wellbeing. For more details please refer to our safeguarding policies.