Nursery’s sickness guidance 

Enclosed is a list of the most common communicable diseases that young children may experience. The list has been devised using the Guidance from the Health Protection Agency Public Health England.

If your child is suffering from any of the following infectious illnesses and therefore is unable to attend Nursery, please contact the nursery on 0207 582 7282.


·          Diarrhoea and/or vomiting.

As diarrhoea and vomiting is infectious, please do not bring your child to Nursery until he/she has been clear of these symptoms for 48 hours.

·         Measles

Early symptoms of measles may include a running nose, watery eyes, high temperature and cough. Red spots with white centre may also be seen on the inside of the mouth, behind the ears and on the face and limbs. 

As measles is infectious until five days after the appearance of the rash, please exclude children from Nursery until the rash disappears.

·         Chicken pox

Children who have chicken pox can display a wide range of symptoms, but usually they will appear unwell and have a high temperature. Small blisters appear on the torso, face and/limbs,

Chicken pox is infectious; to reduce the risk to other children must be excluded from Nursery until the blisters have crusted over (A minimum of 5 days).

Pregnant woman should consult their doctor if they have been in contact with a child with chicken pox if they are not immune. Please see NHS website for more information.

·         Mumps

Early symptoms of mumps can include glands on one or both sides of the face, sore throat and loss of appetite. A child with Mumps may also have difficulty swallowing.

Mumps can be infectious for up to one week after the facial swelling appears. Children with Mumps must be excluded from Nursery for five days from the onset of swelling.

·         Rubella ‘German measles’

Symptoms of German measles can include any of the following:

-          High temperature

-          Swollen glands behind the ears and around the neck.

-          Loss of appetite, sore throat

-          Rash on the face and body

Please exclude your child from Nursery for five days after the appearance of rash.

Pregnant woman should consult their doctor if they have been in contact with a child with German Measles if they are not immune. Please see NHS website for more information.

 ·         Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is soreness, itching of the whites of the eyes, watering, or discharge and/or slight sensitivity to light.

Conjunctivitis is highly infectious, to relieve the irritation of the eye bath the eyes in mild saline solution.  Wipe from the centre to the outside of the eye and discard each piece of cotton wool. It is advised that you disinfect all toys, towels, and facecloths that your child has been in contact with.

The staff are not permitted to administer eye drops or eye baths for children with conjunctivitis, therefore it is recommended that you keep your child off Nursery for at least 24 hours to commence treatment.

 ·         Head-lice

Head-lice are still common amongst school and Nursery children. Headline has a lice appearance and form eggs on the hair follicles. They spread very easily and are passed from one head to another during head-to-head contact.

It is advisable for you to routinely check your family’s hair and treat head-lice with treatment usually purchased from the pharmacy. It is also advisable to treat the whole household.

·         Threadworm

If your child is scratching his/her bottom, especially at night it may be due to threadworms. They are tiny, white, thread-like worms that may be visible in faeces.

Threadworms are easy to treat with medication, it is recommended to treat the whole household. 


·         Hand, foot, and mouth

Hand, foot and mouth are usually a mild illness which often starts with a feeling of being unwell for a day or so. This might include a high temperature. Small spots that develop inside the mouth. Blisters often appear on palms, soles of the feet as well as in the mouth, spots sometimes appear on other parts of the body.

There is not an exclusion period for Hand, Foot and Mouth, however it is highly contagious, therefore it is recommended that you keep your child at home if blisters are weeping or sore.


·         Slapped Cheek (fifth disease or parvovirus B19)

Fifth disease is usually a mild illness, particularly affects children and typically causes a rash that may resemble a “slapped cheek”. The rash sometimes spreads to the trunk arms and legs.  Children with fifth disease can also have a temperature and flu like symptoms.

If your child is unwell, please keep them at home until they feel well again.


·         Impetigo

 Impetigo is an infection of the skin caused by bacteria. It most commonly occurs on the skin around the nose and mouth, but it can affect skin on other parts of the body. The spots may be clustered or merge together.

If impetigo is suspected you must take your child to see a doctor as the condition is infectious, antibiotic treatment is Important.

Children must be excluded from Nursery until lesions are crusted and healed or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment.


·         Meningococcal meningitis septicaemia

In most cases someone with Meningitis or Septicaemia will become seriously ill rapidly. Trust your instincts and seek medical attention immediately if you are concerned.

Symptoms in babies and small children include:

-          Stiff body with jerky movements or very floppy

-          Irritability or dislike being handled.

-          A shrill cry or unusual moaning

-          Refusal to feed

-          Tense or bulging fontanelle (soft spot on the head)

-          Pale, blotchy/rash skin

-          Rapid breathing

-          Fever/vomiting

-          Drowsiness/ impaired consciousness

-          Severe headache, stiff neck the dislike to bright light.

Not all symptoms have to be present at the same time.

Children can return to Nursery once they have recovered.

·         Coughs, colds, and flu

We do appreciate the children pick-up illness from time to time. If your child is unwell and would not cope with a nursery day, it would be better to keep your child at home to reduce the risk of spreading infection to other children.

·         Coronavirus

Under the Government rules, positive cases of COVID in children no longer require self-isolation. However, we ask that parents keep their child away from nursery if they have COVID until they have recovered to reduce the spread.


The staff will administer paracetamol with parent consent. This will only be administered to reduce a temperature and keep your child comfortable while they wait to be collected.

So that we do not put your child at risk, please can you inform us if your child has had paracetamol in the morning before they arrive at Nursery.

If you would like to discuss any of these illnesses mentioned in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact your GP or a Member of the Management team. 

The above information is relating to illnesses detailed in the ‘Public Health Agency- Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Policy and Procedures. May 2020


This policy applies to all employees, Parents, Children, volunteers, students, and anyone else working on behalf of SRC Community Nursery. This policy also applies to service users and delivery drivers visiting the setting.


Purpose of policy

·         Protect all employees, and service users including parents and children from coming into contact with Coronavirus (COVID-19).

·         To maintain the minimum level of staff to continue to provide the welfare needs of the children in our care.

·         To prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Arrival and departure from the nursery.

We endeavour to make drop of and pick up as easy as possible for both staff, children and parents.

Parents/Carers will not be able to enter the nursery during this time.  A staff member will greet parents/carers at the entrance and then take the children to their room.

The nursery will set up a two-point entry to the setting

·         Front entrance. Gaza Street

·         The back entrance to the garden, using the gate. 42 Braganza Street


·         Parents will not be permitted to enter the nursery.


·          Parents will drop their child to the relevant door; parents will be required to social distance queue outside. One parent at a time to drop off at each entrance.


If parents live close and can manage without bringing pushchairs to the nursery, it would be helpful to do so, as we will no longer be able to store multiple pushchairs in the buggy storing room.



At present the advice is to only use public transport if it is necessary.  Employees, parents, and children should consider alternative modes of transport, this could include walking, cycling or by personal car.  If public transport is necessary Employees, Parents/Carers will need to consider ways around not traveling via public transport during peak time.


SRC Community Nursery is closely monitoring and gathering information from The Department of Health the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the management team meet regularly and then feedback to employees. Parents/Carers have a duty of care to communicate with SRC Community Nursery if any one they have been in contact with contract Coronavirus (COVID-19) or are made to self-isolate.

Hygiene - General

Employees are advised to practice good hygiene and cleanliness standards.

·         Regularly wash hands with hand wash and water for 20 seconds or more.

·         Children to wash hands for 20 seconds on arrival to the nursery and regularly throughout the day.

·         Use hand sanitiser regularly. Staff have sanitizer on their person. Sanitising stations are located around the nursery.

·         Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with either a bent elbow or tissue and always wash hands afterwards.

·         Avoid close contact with others, such as handshakes and maintain a social distance of 2 meters.

·         Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

·         Wash all clothes that have been worn at the end of each day.

·         Children to have washed clothes each day

·         Clean resources and frequently touched areas regularly throughout the day.

·         Children’s water bottles will not be out for children to use. The children will be offered water in a plastic cup throughout the day, which are cleaned after each use.

·         Bed sheets will continue to be washed on 60-degree wash daily.



Locations of Sanitising stations

·         Lobby (front entrance)

·         Starlight Room (shelf next to the garden)

·         Twinkle Room next to the phone

·         Downstairs kitchen (next to the sink)

·         Rainbow room kitchen counter

·         Rainbow room (shelf in the balcony room)

·         Office (on the desk nearest the door)



Hygiene – Office

To help ensure the Coronavirus does not spread internally through the nursery, the following actions are being taken.

·         Frequently touched areas are appropriately cleaned throughout

·         These include desks, laptops, door handles, switches, and telephones.

·         Hand sanitiser is being used frequently within the Nursery.


Hand Washing Routines


To ensure the staff, children, parents, and visitors are washing their hands in line with the current guidelines the following will be put in place:

• On arrival to nursery all staff to wash their hands using the bathroom in the hallway.

• On arrival all children will be taken to the bathroom to wash their hands by member of staff

• Children and staff will wash their hands frequently throughout the day

 • Staff should wash hands before putting on any PPE.




Policy for dealing with COVID-19 within SRC Community Nursery.     


• Children’s guides on handwashing will go in all bathrooms.

• In the baby room where there is no direct access to the bathroom children can be lifted to the sink to wash their hands.

 • Individual face cloths or disposable dry wipe cloths are used at mealtimes; face cloths will be washed after each use on a 60-degree wash cycle.

 • Staff must wash their hands before preparing or serving food even if wearing gloves.



Personal protective equipment (PPE) including face covering and face masks.

The Government has recommended that children in education settings do not need to wear facemasks. The majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work.

In the event of a child or team member showing symptoms of COVID-19 during the day the person supporting this person will need to wear a disposable apron, disposable gloves, a disposable face mask and a face shield.

Staff will use appropriate PPE when carrying out tasks such as nappy change and toileting.

Any paperwork will be completed with parents in the garden (if this cannot be done using technology). Staff will be required to use a PPE for any reason 2-meter distance rule cannot be maintained.

Regulating movements within the nursey

Signs will be displayed on front doors stating: Please do not enter the nursery if you or your child has any COVID-19 symptoms.



Within the early years setting we cannot expect children to remain 2 meters apart. The setting has put in place a range of measures such as: 

·         Frequent hand washing and good hygiene practices

·         Regular cleaning of equipment and resources

·         Avoiding contact with anyone with symptoms


We can minimise and reduce contact between people as much as possible by separating the children into small and consistent groups, for example in Rainbow room (upstairs) we will be operating using separate rooms,  using each room constantly for the same group of children.

We will do our best to ensure that the children are cared for by the same members of staff, however we must take factors in consideration such as part time staff.

The starlight room will be separated into two rooms with the same principle. Twinkle room will remain the same as there are fewer children and staff. 

Ongoing risk assessment will be conducted to ensure children are safeguarded. In the event of not being able to safely care for the children, the room may be closed for that day

Social distancing rules will apply to staff where possible.

Planning ahead

We will be using the garden as much as possible, alternating the groups of children using a timetable.

Daily activities will still be provided for children to enjoy, resources and equipment will be cleaned after each use.

The setting will be providing resources that can be easily cleaned.


What happens if someone becomes unwell at the setting?

If anyone becomes unwell with

·         A continuous cough

·         A high temperature

·         Loss of taste and smell


They must be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19 guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection guidance.

If a child is showing any of the above symptoms and they are awaiting collection, they will be moved to a separate room with a window open, appropriate adult supervision will be provided. The area will be cleaned and disinfected before being used by anyone else.

Staff will use appropriate PPE and remain safe distance from the child. 

In an emergency 999 will be called.

What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the nursery?              

The Government guidelines currently recommend if a staff member or child develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus, they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 10 days. Members of their household will need to self-isolate for 14 days. All staff members of staff and children will have access to test if they display symptoms. 

If a child or member of staff test positive the rest of the group will be sent home and advised to self-isolate.

Where a child or a staff member tests negative, they can return to the setting and end isolation.


Getting tested

The parent of the child or team member who has symptoms must contact 111 or apply online immediately and request a test.

Tests are available to all team members and their families, children attending the nursery and their families.

If any person in a team member or child’s household shows signs of COVID-19 the family must get tested immediately. They cannot attend the nursery whilst they await the results and the entire household must isolate.

The nursery must be informed of the result as soon as possible to enable appropriate action to be put in place if required.

Business Continuity

It is vital that SRC Community Nursery continues to care for the Children entrusted in our care. We will continue to do this while continuing to provide the necessary health and safety for the employees and children in our care.

It is Important that we do all we can to work together to keep safe.


Guidance to assist professionals

As COVID-19 has only been recently identified, guidance to support professionals is regularly being updated or published. Up-to-date advice can be found through the following links

Coronavirus (COVID-19): the latest information and advice: Guidance for educational settings Guidance for parents