Social Media Policy 

As part of our duty to safeguard children it is essential to maintain the privacy and security of all our families


This Social Media Policy applies to parents, members of staff, students, trustees and volunteers at SRC Community Nursery.


This policy includes (but is not limited to) the following technology: Social networking sites e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Myspace

•      Blogs

•      Discussion forums

•      Collaborative online spaces

•      Media sharing services e.g. You Tube


 SRC Community Nursery, require that:

 In order to ensure professional boundaries childcare staff, students or volunteers should not accept personal invitations to be friends from parents, carers and other professionals that use the nursery.

 •      No photographs taken within the nursery, or at any nursery events with the children, are to be posted for public viewing. (This excludes those photographs taken by staff for learning journeys/profiles or for displays within the setting or on the website if parental permission is given).

•      No public discussions are to be held or comments made on social media sites regarding the nursery, children, staff or trustees.

•      We will act in the best interest of the whole community and honour our duty of care to our children.

 Any member of staff, student or volunteer found to be posting remarks or comments that breach confidentiality or that is deemed to be of a detrimental nature to the nursery or other employees, or posting / publishing photographs of the setting, may face disciplinary action in line with the SRC Community Nursery’s disciplinary procedures set out in both the policies and procedure and the staff handbook.  Students will be asked to leave immediately.

 Any comment deemed to be inappropriate will be reported to Dionne the nursery manager as soon as possible; please refer to our Whistle Blowing Policy, for more information.

 SRC Community Nursery would like parents to work alongside the setting to maintain the privacy and security of all staff, children and volunteers.

 SRC Community Nursery, therefore, require that parents:


•      Demonstrate courtesy and respect for staff, other parents and children.   

•      Use appropriate language when discussing the nursery

•      Address any issues or concerns regarding the nursery directly with the manager or the child’s key person.

•      Not to use social network sites to make derogatory comments

•      Post photographs which could bring staff into disrepute, including making comments about children, parents and staff members.

•      Not to post photographs of other people’s photographs on social network sites.


General guidelines for using social media


•      Remember that no information sent over the web is totally secure and as such if you do not wish your personal information to be made public refrain from sending it through social media.

•      Maintain professionalism, honesty and respect.

•      Apply a good judgement test for every social media post you make.


 •       All areas of confidentiality must always be adhered to. At no time whilst in employment and after termination of employment with SRC Community Nursery are you to divulge any of our client’s details, any information regarding the children in the setting, working practices, policies or financial dealings on social media

•       You must ensure you are aware of and follow our confidentiality policy in relation to this social media policy.

 Staff Name:                                                                                                                 Date:

I hereby understand and will adhere to the above Social Media policy and staff agreement.

 Staff Signature