Policy and Procedure Accident Injury and Treatments.


EYFS – Keeping children safe – Parents in partnership – Well-being of the child – Enabling environment.

At least one first aider in each room with a current paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises at all times, this also applies to when the children are taken out on outings. First aid boxes must be must be kept with appropriate content to meet the need of the children, all practitioners are aware of location of medical boxes in each room along with (medicine folders care plan folders  communication sheets, and sickness monitoring sheets)


All staff must be made aware that young children are by nature curious and adventurous. Due to their age and stage of development young children will not have a full understanding of what is dangerous or the effect their actions may have to themselves or others. Staff must be on hand to supervise children in every situation.


The staff are responsible for ensuring appropriate first aid treatment is given, details must be recorded kept on file, and given to parent of any accident or injuries that a child may have had in the nursery. In the event a student witnesses an accident, the accident record sheet must be overseen and counter signed by a senior staff member.



Any serious accident or injuries or the death of a child must be recorded and the local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 020 7525 0689 and Ofsted must be informed as soon as possible and within 14days 0300 123 1231 Registration No 107458


The staff team should take steps to teach the children on a daily basis, during play and while doing activities about safety and how to take care of themselves and others. The staff should lead by example, sweeping up sand on the floor, storing equipment in a safe manner, and using tools appropriately.

In the event a staff member observes an injury on a child that has not occurred in the nursery, communication sheets needs to be written up and signed by the parent/carer.



Procedure Minor Injuries


A named first aider should treat minor injuries such as bumps, cuts and bruises and the details recorded in the accident book. Parents are required to sign the accident sheets /communication sheets, copies which are given to parent/carers.


These details should be given to the Parent/carer at the time of collection. A member of the staff team should be able to talk to the parent/carer about what has happened. Therefore, it is the duty and responsibility of all staff both on early and late shifts of such events; in addition the same procedure for any accidents/injuries that occur on an outing, the information needs to be written up in the communication book as well as an accident record sheet on the day of the accident.


Near –miss


Near-miss accidents involving pieces of equipment or the fabric of the building should be reported to the Manager or Deputy Manager and recorded to risk assessment.


Serious Injuries.


 In the event of a child being injured where upon hospital treatment is necessary and that the injury has occurred either in the setting or outings, photographic evidence may be    Staff therefore, are to take immediate action to remove any dangerous or faulty equipment.  Details are to be recorded in the Health and Safety file.



Serious Injuries


These include:

·         Injury to the head, eyes or back

·         Unconsciousness

·         Fractures

·         Deep cuts

·         Poisoning

·         Serve burns or scalds

·         Any accident that may lead to permanent damage

·         Death


In the event of a serious injury the Manager or senior member of staff will immediately call 999 for an ambulance. A member of staff, usually the keyperson will accompany the child to hospital. The Manager or senior member of staff will contact the parent or carer and give details of what has happened, the name of the hospital where their child has been taken along with the named adult/keyperson that travelled with the child. The parent or parents/ carers will be asked to go the hospital as soon as possible or within one hour.  For a serious injury to a member of staff or other adult the next of kin or named person will be contacted and the above actions will be followed. .


In such instances, after the immediate needs of the child/adult are dealt with, the site of the accident should be left undisturbed until a full report has been completed and the Chair of the Management Committee, Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 020 7525 0689 and Ofsted will be informed as soon as possible/ within 14days Ofsted 0300 123 1231.


It may also be necessary to inform the Nursery’s insurers, also if the case of an injury or accident being caused by a piece of equipment Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations RIDDOR must be informed.