Policy and Procedure Food & Drink


 The nursery provides fresh food daily, prepared and cooked on the premises. The menus’ reflect a variety of foods and includes cultural food that will reflect the cultures and diversity of the children and staff in the nursery. There will be a meat free substitute for children whose parents wish them to have vegetarian or vegan diet. At enrolment parents will be asked if their child has any food allergies and any health issues the child may have. 

 Menus must be made up of nutrition and a balanced diet. As follows:


·         Menus will include fresh fruit, fresh vegetable and a mix of fruit juices; the children have access to fresh drinking water at all times.   

·         Menus reflect the recognised guidelines on children’s’ nutrition this will include fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

·         All children wash their hand before eating and the staff encourages this practice throughout the day.

·         No extra salt or sugar is to be added to food for the children.



 The parents are encouraged to breast-feed their baby whilst settling in, after the settling in period if convenient the parent if they wish too can come and feed their baby throughout the day. However, if this is not convenient but prefer their child to remain on breast milk the parent can bring their expressed milk and we will feed their child with this milk.

 Parents can also provide the nursery with their choice of powdered milk and we will prepare this in their own sterilised bottles. A separate refrigerator is provided for the milk and food.

 When it is time to wean a child onto solid food we will work in partnership with the parents and take their guidance.

 Some parents prefer to bring in their own food for their baby, if this is not the case we will provide specific food where necessary. 



·         Food is purchased from recognised retailer each week at the time of writing this policy it is Tesco/Asda, the food is ordered and delivered at the beginning of each week.


·         Fresh fruit, milk and water provided daily.


·         Children are provided with nutritional balanced meals containing Carbohydrates, Protein, Fibre, Dairy, and fats


·         Vegetarian, vegan and other dietary needs will be provided for.


·         Children will have access to fresh drinking water at all times.

·    Appropriate cutlery and drinking cups will be provided in line with the child’s individual needs and stage of development.



·    The nursery strives to promote healthy eating and will keep sugary food and drinks to a minimum. (Children’s Parties,) party bags are taken home with permission of the parent/carer.


·   As each child is an individual and will have its own weaning programme, this will reflect in the child’s approach to eating.


·     Food will be mashed, chopped, liquidised/sieved, blended according to age, stage development ability of the child and medical needs.


·      All babies bottles and utensils are sterilised daily.


·       All baby bottles and baby food are kept in a separate refrigerator. 


·      A separate section in the kitchen is designated for the preparation and sterilisation of baby bottles.

 Staff lunches are provided so that the keyperson can eat with their key children. This is done to reflect a family setting and promotes social interaction.

 As the children move through the nursery they are encouraged to serve themselves, this helps promote independence. As all children progress at different stages the keyperson will be on hand to assist children who need support.

 Health and Hygiene

 As all staff handle food throughout the day hold a food and hygiene certificate in particular the cook and assistant cook, training on food hygiene is soused from the Local authorities training directory this is produced termly all cooks and assistant cook do this formal training.

 The food agency have supplied the nursery with a pack included in this is a training CD and this will form their training on food hygiene. This training is in line with health and safety requirements.

 The kitchen must be kept clean and tidy at all times by users. There must be clear cleaning procedures and they must be displayed.

 The bins are to be emptied after dinner and tea.

 All food kept in fridge must be stored appropriately in containers names and labelled to avoid any cases of cross contamination.

 A first aid box with blue plasters so that they can be clearly identified will be kept in the kitchen. In addition, the staff that prepare and serve food wear protective gloves.

 A list of children with special dietary requirements is kept in a folder, sectioned to each room and updated when a child transitions to the next room.  The kitchen staff is informed daily of numbers of children that are to be catered for and must be informed of any changes on the day. (Responsibility) Manager and Keyperson. This list will also be displayed in the rooms so that staff is kept aware.

 The nursery must notify Ofsted of any food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on the premises. Notification must be made as soon as is reasonably practicable, but in any event within 14 days of the incident. Ofsted 0300 123 1231