Inclusion Policy

Special educational needs and Disability and Equal Opportunities for the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Policy and Procedures

In line with recommendations and requirements of The Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage 2024 (The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements), the Disability and Equality Act 2012, Working Together to Safeguard Children and Special Needs Code of Practise 2020.



The nursery provides an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities are supported to reach their full potential.


The nursery is inclusive to all children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in addition to support parents/carers with Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).



. To ensure that all children attending SRC Community Nursery have equal access to activities that support, extend and challenge experiences within the seven areas of the curriculum.


The nursery identifies SEND through assessment where children’s tracking is measured to the expectancy level chart which is provided by the LA.


The nursery works in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals from Early Year’s Department from the local authority in meeting individual children's special educational needs and disabilities.

The nursery monitors and reviews our policy, practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.


SRC nursery have designated members of staff that are Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCO).  Our SENCO’S are: Dionne along with Special Educational Needs and Disability Practitioner Alison Morosoli.


The Role of the SENCO within the setting.


·         Offers support for parents/carers

·         Contacts the setting’s SENDIP (special educational needs and disability intervention practitioner from the Local Authority – (Joanne Bleau – 0207 525 5042) at the earliest to seek in formal advice and support.

·         Liaises with other agencies.

·         Support staff development.

·         Keeps appropriate records.

·         To assist staff with assessing observations and targets for development made in line with the individual needs and capability of the child to progress development within the EYFS framework.






·         SRC Nursery ensures that the provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is the responsibility of all members of the setting.

·         We ensure that our inclusive admissions practise is open to equality of access and opportunity to all.

·         SRC uses the Local Authority’s system of recording, identifying, assessing and responding to children's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities  by: initiating a EHP (Educational Health Plan) which informs the Local Authority of areas of support required for the child, in the event that a EHP form is already in place prior to the child attending, the setting will work along with parents and carers, professionals from the LA and outside agencies to implement EHCP (Educational Health Care Plans) tailored to the child covering aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage – The Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environment and Learning and Developing.

·         The nursery work closely with parents/carers of children with special educational needs and Disabilities to create and maintain a positive partnership

·         We apply for funding if necessary, in order to assist the development of the child, this may be purchasing equipment and/or extra SEND practitioner support.

·         We ensure that parents/carers are informed at all stages of the assessment, planning, provision and review of their child’s development.

·         We provide parents/carers with information on sources of independent advice and support where possible.

·         We liaise with other professionals involved with children with special educational needs and their families. We gather information regarding any other needs the child may have (Medical care plans). We arrange TAC Meetings (Team around the child) and include this in the transfer arrangements to other settings and schools.

·         We provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum for all children with special educational needs and disabilities tailored to the child/children.

·         We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating and reviews for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

·         We ensure that children with special educational needs and disabilities are appropriately involved at all stages taking into account their levels of ability.

·           .

·         We use a system for keeping records of the assessment, planning, provision and review for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

·         We are committed to the early identification of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


·         We provide a complaints procedure.

·         We monitor and review our policy when changes are made.


Parents/carers are consulted at every level of intervention and have the right to be involved in discussions about their child. /children, (Working in partnerships with parents/carers). If procedures are to be undertaken, we will ensure to develop a close working relationship with parents and carers to enable agreed targets to be set for the child/children that will support the child/children. We understand that level of involvement of parents/carers will enhance effectiveness towards the child/children development.

Consultations are made informally on a daily basis and termly to share their child’s Learning Journey and development with their child/children keyworker.



Equal opportunities.


Policy statement


To create an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all.



Policy Procedures.



·      Ensure all children and adults are included and supported.

·         Ensure children, parents/carers and staff know they are acknowledged and valued and reflected within SRC nursery.

·         Ensure status of race, ethnicity, class, faith, culture, gender, sexual orientation and Special Educational Needs and Disability does not inhibit a child from accessing the nursery.

·         Have regard for promoting understanding and awareness of diversity and equal opportunity to all.

·         Have activities and provisions that reflect diversity, understanding of the world and their immediate surroundings.

·         Encourage positive role models, displays, materials, trips and other resources.

·         Encourage all children to access all areas of learning and developing, to participate in all activities that are planned to reflect the interests of the children.

·         To treat all children parents/carers and SRC practitioners with equal concern and value them.

·         Challenge any offensive behaviour, attitudes or language with regards to race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion, culture, gender, language, sexual orientation and disability towards children, parents/carers families, practitioners, students and visitors.

·         Ensure that SRC Nursery’s recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non- discriminatory. (See Employer, Staffing and Recruitment policy).